Cyber Ecosystems
An innovation ecosystem in cybersecurity co-located with a vertical technology hub has the potential to spur a new generation of digital technologies that are designed to be secure.
Integration with a well-established technology innovation ecosystem is an important step to fostering a successful cybersecurity innovation ecosystem, but it is not the only one.
Outside the realm of technology, cybersecurity often has a hand in glove relationship with public safety and government leadership.
In 2014, exercising the self-developed ‘Spiral Development’ methodology, Roni has created CyberSpark, an ecosystem consisted of a leading research university (BGU), in collaboration with the Israeli government and private industry. The Public-Private-Partnership (P3) made it translational and available to entrepreneurs seeking robust use cases.
Thereafter, and together with colleagues from Belfast, Boston, Canada and The Hague, a new Ecosystem of Ecosystems was formulated. Global EPIC, a network of thirty cybersecurity innovation ecosystems from twenty-two different countries, was created to facilitate global collaboration among digital security ecosystems to create positive local economic development for all economies
In applying the ‘Spiral-Development’ approach into practice together with the facilitation of global network enabled by Global EPIC, Roni’s experience and know-how would be highly valuable in generating a new ecosystem from zero as it would for developing an already existing one.